MarsCon in 3D


*** TO VIEW IN 3D (provided you have a 3D monitor/TV), change the file extension back to ".jps" for viewing. *** Images in theis Gallery were created on a 3D Stereo Camera Rig (a pair of Canon T3i ), Image quality was affected by the need to get decent 3D Stereo Images. I can get much better images outdoors or in my studio. The Ability to edit images in 3D is very limited at this time to a very labor intensive effort or very expensive software. So other then cropping and some lighting and color correction no editing has been done. The images shown are those that turned out at least decent in 3D and were interested to me in some way. The rig did very well during the belly dancing, but apparently not so well during the costume contest despite being in exactly the same place. Perhaps next year I can make arrangements ahead of time for some allocated space specifically for taking pictures during the two events.


Tim Dolan